Ovulation test strips-how to use them effectively to increase your chances of conceiving
What are ovulation test strips
- Ovulation test strips measure the level of a hormone LH in urine
- Ovulation test strips are a dipstick urine ovulation test and are the cheapest ovulation tests available
- Ovulation test strips are also the most environmentally friendly urine ovulation test as there is less packaging and plastic than with a midstream ovulation test and yet they are just as accurate.
- Ovulation test strips either come individually foil wrapped, each foil contains a single ovulation test strip and a pouch of moisture absorbing desiccant to keep the strip dry until used or they may come in a resealable canister of 25 ovulation test strips.
What time of day is best to use ovulation test strips
- The best time of day to do a urine ovulation test is early evening
- If you do your ovulation test earlier inn the day you may miss the LH surge
How to use the ovulation test strips properly
- Get everything ready before you start
- You will need a timer (most mobile phones have one )
- You will need to collect a urine sample in a clean container to perform the ovulation test
- To use the ovulation test strip remove it from the foil pouch or canister
- Hold the ovulation test strip carefully by the handle end
- Carefully dip the ovulation test strip into your urine sample up to the dip line so that the test can absorb urine
- Remove the ovulation test strip from the urine sample after a few seconds as it should have absorbed enough urine
- Lay the ovulation test strip flat on a clean dry surface
- It is best to use a timer so that you leave the ovulation test the exact amount of time before reading the result
- Wait several minutes for the result to appear ( the exact amount of time will be specified in the instructions supplied with the ovulation test strips)
What does a positive result with an ovulation test strip look like
- A positive ovulation test strip result is when the test line is as dark or darker than the control line as shown in the ovulation test strips results image above
- After the ovulation test strips start to give positive results, stop testing for that cycle.
- LH ovulation test strips will usually remain positive for between 5 and 8 days as part of the normal LH cycle.
What do I do after a positive result using an ovulation test strip
- The ovulation test strip results can tell you if you might be ovulating soon. (usually over the 24 hours after the ovulation test first shows a positive result)
- Using ovulation strips can help you plan the timing of sex to maximise the chances of conception.
- When you get a positive result on the ovulation test strip, you should plan sex on the night of the first positive result and for the next two or three days.
What do I do after a negative result using an ovulation test strip
- If the ovulation test strip result is negative ( ie the test line on the ovulation test strip is fainter than the control line) then wait 24 hours and repeat the test the next day
ALLTEST ovulation test strips
- ALLTEST ovulation test strips packs come with guidance on when to start testing, based on the average duration of the previous menstrual cycles.
You can also buy ovulation test strips online from Valuemed UK